The Future of Online Services

The old adage says that advertising is what keeps the internet lights on. Advertising is a great business but it has limits. There is only so much ad money to go around.  What will fuel an internet that outgrows all the ad money in the world?

SUBSCRIBE is the first internet services conference asking the question of how the world's nervous system will find fuel. We will address this through the business model lenses of contender internet service providers and ask how they might evolve. How will AI affect shopping? How will VR affect entertainment and communications? How will blockchain affect economics? How will hardware affect software and services and vice versa? We connect users, usage and capital.

SUBSCRIBE is a conference on the internet economy and the economics of the internet.


SUBSCRIBE is hosted by Horace Dediu, of Asymco and Clayton Christensen Institute and Ben Bajarin of Creative Strategies, Tech.pinions. 

Revenue per User


San Francisco 
March 16 - 9:30-1pm
374 Brannan Street
2nd Floor, Room 3

New York City 
April 6 - 4:30p-8pm
EY, 5 Times Square
23rd Fl., Room H